It is wonderful to be one of his sheep, we should have fellowship with our maker. Jesus as the good shepherd watches over us and he teaches us to follow him. God can do marvellous things but he needs someone to work through and so we must present ourselves to him and recognise what we are able to do.
As we trust him and hear him he will begin to reveal more. We must pay attention to the call in our lives. He can make us into something for his names sake. We must keep ourselves in the love of God and not get entangled with the things of this world.
The bible says to go and tell people about Jesus- it can be so simple and there is no telling what it may lead to.
It is a great privilege to be saved. We must set about serving him and not worrying about what others think. All we need is a heart after God like the centurion in Luke. There is power in his word.
He had his faith in Jesus. Now is the tie to work for him, it is our church