v1 Paul says we have been raised by Christ and we are citizens of heaven. Set your mind on things above. What are our priorities in life? They should be towards the kingdom and not on earthly things as these will not last forever. Our culture of living should reflect the kingdom of heaven.
v 5 Put to death things that are earthly and fleshly
v8 Be rid of anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language as these things do not reflect Jesus. He has dealt with our sin and we are dearly loved.
v 12 we must clothe ourselves in the kingdom way of doing things and he will help us and the Holy Spirit will make them grow.
Forgive one another- Jesus chose forgiveness and we should forgive just as he has forgiven us. We can be very hurt and struggle to forgive but we can ask for his help for the strength to forgive. We should let forgiveness flow.
Let the peace of Christ of Christ rule in your hearts. We are supposed to be people that feel his peace, it is a choice to let his peace rule in our hearts
Be thankful and look for things to be thankful for
v 17 In all you do, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus