Some things are more important than others. The Pharisees were doing everything to be seen by man but they should have been practicing justice mercy and faithfulness.
Justice – proverbs says that justice is more important than sacrifice. We receive free gifts and talents from God which we cannot earn by works. We cannot achieve salvation by works either. We cannot be living a hypocritical life as God sees everything we do. God blesses when we put the Word of God into action and we must live according to his Word.
Mercy – Means to show compassion but also to be active when moved in our hearts. The good Samaritan was moved to do something and be involved. He felt moved and then he was active in doing something for someone in need. We have all received Gods mercy and so we must show mercy to other people. Gods mercy is on those who fear him. He is our friend but also our Lord and our Saviour. We should show mercy with cheerfulness. We cannot expect to receive things from God when we don’t do things for him. We can give him our time and our talents without grudging.
Faith – Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith comes from reading his Word, hearing it and Gods work in us. We must also have patience with our faith as God does not always give us our desires immediately. In the world seeing is believing but in the church believing is seeing. Our faith will be tested to see if our works are genuine. We must continually come to the Word of God and be renewed in our minds