These were the last words of Jesus, go into the world and preach the gospel. Jesus wants to build up his fathers house in heaven. God has prepared a new heaven and a new earth for those who love him. That is our hope.
We shouldn't neglect the book of Revelation as it shows what God has prepared for his people. Jesus says 3 times I am coming quickly... we must be ready.
We know that there will be a new heaven and earth but we still need to be good stewards with this earth remembering that God has everything under control. Nothing can harm our souls and God holds us during the hard times. We know that we are saved by grace but there are rewards for the things we do for Jesus. We are not saved to sit back. We should be looking for the return of God.
Blessed are those who do his commandments, we are saved to serve. Jesus says if we love him we will keep his commandments. We see the reality of hell in this last chapter of revelation and those who are not saved will be in an eternal state going to hell. Those who are with Jesus are with him eternally. There is no further change in a persons state when they die. We need to spread the gospel.
We should have a thirst for God, he wants us to read the book of revelation to encourage our hearts with what he has prepared for those who believe. We must be ready for Jesus' return. God sees potential in us and he can work in us and mould us.