Paul greets and thanks God for his continual strength. God also gives us strength and equips us to do the things he wants us to do. However we greet, it should be physically and morally pure.
We must put the things of darkness behind us. We must make time for God and his Word in the busyness of our lives and be disciplined. When we are being blessed in any way in our lives we must remember him. Lets give him the time that is due as this is how we get to know him.
There are life lessons to be found in this passage:
1) Greet and be thankful to him
2) We are not to be ashamed of the things of God. It can be easy to shrink away but Paul was not ashamed. We might well be shy and timid but we can pray for boldness just as the disciples did. God will give us strength and when things go wrong he can make things right. When we are bold God can deliver us.
3) Lets be loyal to the faith. Hold on to the things we know to be true. How refreshing it is when people stand by us just as Timothy stood by Paul. We can be a Timothy and stand by somebody. Lets be a blessing to somebody.
4) Be strong in the grace God gives us. We can be strong and confident in the grace of God. His grace will keep us in our circumstances. and his strength will never fail. When we do things for God we must do it according to the Word of God and we must work hard.
5) Be an approved worker. We must read Gods Word and study the scriptures to gain wisdom. We wont grow if we don't go to church or read
6) Prepare for difficult times. There will be perilous times in the last days. Difficult times will come and the devil will come to steal and destroy. Jesus came to heal and he loves families. The world does not want the pattern of the family found in the bible. The whole bible is Gods Word.
We must learn more about the Holy scriptures
2 Timothy