Jesus was on the cross suffering physical, mental and spiritual pain and yet he was thinking of his mother. He was showing the whole world how a important a mother is. These verses in the bible were inspired and are there for a reason. It is a lesson that we should honour our father and our mother. If the father is the head of the household then the mother is the heart. If we are not at one with our parents then we are not at one with God. We must give honour and respect to them.
We are told to live in Word and in deed. It is time to tell our loved ones that we love them, days are short and we do not know what could happen. We have to show people that we love them. God needs us to take the Word out into the world and bring people into the church. We need a heart after Gods heart.
Jesus is teaching us how valuable a mother is. Husbands must love their wives and we must thank the Lord for mothers.