God is a God who rules the universe. The time of the second coming is getting closer but in the meantime we must remember that he is the God of the impossible. Breakthrough is a penetration of a barrier, we can be asking God for a breakthrough in a situation in our lives. It is part of Gods nature, he can do it. David had a breakthrough in the passage.
1) The first step is to find out what God is calling you to be.
He has a plan for our lives. David knew God was calling him to be king. Where does God want you to operate or live? Once we find out, God can then work in this area. There can be people functioning outside of Gods plan or purpose
2) The second step of the breakthrough is to pursue the purpose in the face of opposition. The philistines opposed David. When we understand what God wants us to do we can face opposition from others and the devil. The devil can try to destroy what God has for us, he wants us to be sad and distressed. If we engage worship, prayer, reading we can engage spiritual warfare. God can break any spiritual barriers and opposition, he is more than able. We must believe these things even if we don't see anything happening. David didn't run, he went to battle with the enemy. We have to stand up like men and women of faith as breakthrough comes to those who refuse to quit.
3) The third step is to seek God in prayer and grow our relationship with him. David asked God should he go? God is looking for people who want a deep relationship with him. Prayer can be a neglected discipline, we can sometimes think of prayer as something we have to do. It is not enough to come to church we need to develop our prayer life. This is how breakthrough can come.
4) The fourth step is to move with a mandate. David went to battle with a reassurance he would have victory. Sometimes we can move without a mandate. Have we sought God without asking him? David was victorious because God gave him the go ahead. We must move in faith as God brings breakthroughs.
When we need a miracle, when we are down, need provision, the enemy comes he can be the breakthrough in our lives.
Where do you need a breakthrough in your life?
Are we ready for his breakthrough?
We should pray for others who need a breakthrough