We walk by faith and not by sight. The wind of God is our guide. As Christians we don't want to be flying deaf and blind. Sin blocks what God is saying to us. If we cant hear what God is saying it can affect our personal walk with him.
Here are four of many things that can block our spiritual ears.
1) Greed- If we love money more than God we wont hear what God is saying. Don't let money get in the way of Jesus and our walk with him. We have a problem if we love money more than we love God. Greed can blind our eyes and deafen our ears
2) Lust- This can also wax up our spiritual ears. God warns us against immoral men and women. We live in a world full of things that aren't good for us. Lust can be a trap put don by the devil that can trap us. Being a Christian doesn't make us immune to the things of the world. God tells us to flee lusts. God tells us we are only to marry a believer if we are a believer. We are not to be unequally yolked. When we do the opposite of what God says it will put a block in our ears to what he is saying to us. God will not contradict what the bible says. This applies to all of his instructions and not just to lust. He will not give us further instructions until we obey the first.
3) Rebellion- We can be apart from God if we rebel against what God tell us to do. We can want to do our own thing.
4) Pride- Pride doesn't want to hear correction, it can rise up in us. Everything in our lives comes from God, it all belongs to him so we have nothing to be proud of. Whatever we have God has given to us.
Lets overcome spiritual deafness. Lets be rid of greed, lust, rebellion and pride