God is mindful of us and ready to help if we ask him. We are not always in perfect peace and we must learn to trust him. If we focus on our situation and not him we can lose our peace. Jesus tells us that we will have troubles but to take heart as he has conquered the world.
Steadfast peace in disorder can witness to others. We can get peace if we give our lives to the Lord. Life is tough though and fragile, the enemy can try to shake us. Our faith in Jesus gives us peace. We are not guaranteed an easy life but how we cope can witness and lead people to Christ in the future.
Joseph was imprisoned, sold into slavery and rejected because of his steadfast peace but God had a plan. Gods plan was to reconcile and restore all his people.
We can be facing all sorts of trouble today. Churches are packed with people going through troubled times. However God wants us to trust him and have peace. This peace in him can have a profound impact on others and ourselves. We cannot have peace without faith. Jesus peace is free and he wants us to have it. In this world we need peace.
The world can give to us but it also takes away. The things of this world only bring temporary happiness.
We can admit to our troubles and look to him. God will get us through any troubles we are in if we trust him.