God wants us to be faithful stewards, we are to be relied upon by others. He wants us to be faithful and dependable. To ensure we are faithful there are three things we can do...
1) Look to God:-
If we are to do anything it has to come from God. His love is 100% reliable. Ours is not. Any ministry must come from God, we must worship him and put him first in our lives. Paul and Silas stuck themselves to God and so we should also. We must also love God with all our hearts, minds and souls. The bible tells us to look up for our redemption. Each day we are one day closer to being with him.
2) Look inwards to ourselves:-
If we are not good inside how can we encourage others? After looking up to him we need to look in ourselves. Are we saved? Do we recognise when we invited God into our lives? We must self examine. Are we doing the things God has asked of us? Once we have asked Jesus in we are free and cleansed and can go and minister. God wants us to be useful.
3) If things are well we can look out to other people:-
There is a time to go and preach the gospel. John ch 4 v 35 tells us that the fields are ready for reaping-we must evangelise.
Our God is a God of change and so we shouldn't be too comfortable in church. We need to accept that things in church can change. We must try new ways of reaching out and in the church we need people who are looking to reach out. Lets not knock those people who are trying things for God. We are called to be witnesses to what God has done in our lives. We are to consider others better than ourselves and not exclude anyone to be reached out to.
2 Corinthians