The list of fruits found in this passage are possible with God but not on our own strength. We can bear good or bad fruit and the fruit reflects its origin.
Fruit growth:- We are all in different stages of our Christian lives and we will all be in a progressive stage if Christ is in us. The fruit in our lives is an outgrowth of Christ in us.
The fruit:- Love. God is love. His love is available to everyone without exception.
Joy:- Gladness not based on circumstances
Peace:- Contentment and unity between people
Patience:- Slowness to speak and slowness to anger
Kindness:- Merciful, sweet and tender
Goodness:- Generous and open hearted
Faithfulness:- Dependable, loyal and full of trust
Gentleness:- Humble, calm and non threatening
Self control:- Behaving well and being in control
Bearing fruit is becoming like Christ. When we walk with the Lord these fruits become a natural expression. Perhaps we need to ask ourselves what is preventing the Holy Spirit from working in our lives.
Our trials and tribulations can help us grow. God is constantly shaping our lives and when we allow him he works through us. The challenging times in our lives bring patience. It is easy to love a lovely person but hard to love a difficult person. Jesus is asking us to love everyone.
If we are going through a hard time then Jesus could be teaching us something.
We should be so thankful for our eternal hope and remember that we are representatives of Christ